
A Pearl and an Amber “touching” create what’s called a Bridge.

Any of your pieces touching a Bridge can go to any other intersection that the bridge is touching.

Note: The Bridge is not an ability, and thus may not be used in a combo.

Portal/Gate - Basic Attack

Although portal’s basic attack is the same as the other pieces, it can seem a bit odd and deserves its own explanation.

The portal removes from play any portal it “touches” just like other pieces, however, “touching” another piece can seem a lot farther away with portals due to the fact that the outer edge of the board has large gaps between “touching” intersections along the golden path for portals.

Remember:  Portals can only be killed by other Portals and the Void. (If the Void is dead, the Amalgam inherits the ability to kill portals)

Portal/Gate - Movement

Portals move from one intersection to the next as normal, except they must stay on the golden intersections (AKA “Insert Catchy Name”). 

On the outer edges of the board, there are many gaps with no complete intersections, which means the piece moves to the next complete intersection along the path.

This allows for Portals to move very quickly along the outer edges of the game board.

Portal/Gate - Basics

(Call them what you like because we simply couldn’t decide)

-Portals can only be killed by other Portals and the Void. (If the Void is dead, the Amalgam inherits the ability to kill portals)

-Portals can only kill other portals

-You may use your turn to swap one of your portals with any of your other pieces as long as the other piece is on a golden intersection.

-All pieces (except other portals) may jump directly over any portal(s)

Void Amplify - Amber

The “Sap” expands by one intersection on either side for a total of 3 intersections wide.

Void Amplify - Pearl

Placing the Void directly in front of the two Pearls will increase the ability’s range by one on all sides.

In Short:

4 in front increased to 5 in front. (+1 Forward)

2 on either side increased to 3 on either side (+1 Left, +1 Right)


The Amalgam can act as any Gem (a “Wild Card” of sorts), in place of a Ruby, Amber, Pearl, or Jade.

Hint: Not only is it good for abilities, but it may also be used as part of a Bridge.



Remove from play the first enemy piece that is within 6 intersections away. (Front or Back).

The ability may not pass through pieces. Any of your pieces in the way will prevent you from hitting the target (your Void is an exception)



The Jades are able to launch any piece that is directly behind them, up to 4 intersections ahead.

Portals may be launched, but must still follow all of the Portal’s restrictions.

Landing on an enemy piece kills that piece. Upon landing, basic attacks are applied to any pieces within range.

Void Amplify - Jade


Placing the Void directly in front of the two Jades will increase the ability’s range from 4 to 6

Void Amplify - Ruby


If the Ruby’s ability passes through the Void (within 6 intersections), the ability will then increase two intersections in length, for a total of 8 intersections.



The two Amber pieces will “Sap” all enemies in between them.

The two pieces must be connected by a grey or gold line.



Remove from play all enemy pieces within  4 intersections (Front or Back), with a width of 2 additional intersections on either side.

This ability is often referred to as a “Tidal Wave”.

Victory Conditions


The three ways to end the game:

1. Get your void to a specific point on the opposite side of the board.

2. Eliminate all the other player’s pieces. (Excluding the portals)

3. A player may forfeit at any time.z

Basic Attack


Moving a piece to “touch” an enemy piece will remove that piece from play.