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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Closing my move ring by dancing to Chapelle Roan in my underwear

okay but why do I always have so much energy when I’m on prednisone?????? I am coughing and was up all night coughing and I bought a car today which was exHAUSTING but I’m dancing and sending everyone a million video snapchats to yap about my car and my boyfriend even commented on the fact that I’m talking faster than I normally do and I cleaned the inside of the microwave??

When creating the new Australian National University in 1946, the Australian parliament can probably be forgiven for being far too polite to ever raise the suggestion that the acronym ANU may one day lead to problems.

And so it is in the year 2023, that Australia's highest ranked university has to regularly remind people not to add a possessive 's' to their name in headlines, lest the web address be shortened like so:


Likewise the unfortunately named ANU Sports has to go to great lengths to make sure that their name never appears as an acrostic, or on a single line without spaces:


But the award absolutely must go to the ANU Soccer Club magazine, cheekily named 'SCUM' by a student in the 90s much to the ongoing horror of design teams to this day


We've been informed the ANU Choral Society were wary of this same problem, so they opted to have their acronym backwards - SCUNA. Fittingly similar to the name of a beer glass given the choir describes itself as a "drinking society with a singing problem".


Meanwhile, the Flinders University Choral Society had absolutely no qualms about naming themselves FUCS.


God we hope at some point they can organise an joint event with the Sydney University Cricket Club



We got you (of course, students got to the apostrophe):


Also thankyou to the submitter of this photo of beanie (?) merchandise from ANU Snowspots club, who tried and failed to avoid disaster by not using their 'A.N.U.S.' acronym

I love signs