


Sunday, 22 January, 2024


Entertainment for the 21st millenium! Find your vibe and chillax, already...

Idle Pursuits

Idle Pursuits

Currently plowing thru the Alien movie franchise, playing Valheim, GTA5 and The Sims 4 (Sims can get SO much weirder than GTA, fyi). Neglecting my reading. OH! And music. Always music.

Wednesday . 12 July 2023

About Me

Why ATaleTold? It's Shakespeare, from "Macbeth." I love Shakespeare! I love Macbeth (BEST Shakespeare)! I love stories!

Every life ever lived is a rich, fascinating tale told, filled with elation and conflict, intrigue and heroism, falls from grace and hard-won personal redemption! People are incredible and each and every life lived is the ultimate tale.

I'm a goob that lives in Southern California (nice place!). I try to get by—despite some heavy-weight introversion—in a world full of social folk.

Just trying to have some fun on the internet, hoping to interact with others looking for the same. If we can brighten each others' day, that's a win all around!

Long Beach, CA

"You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy..." was NEVER said about Long Beach! This is a fun city with some great people (mostly)!

Here, you can find museums, great restaurants and bars, festivals, the beautiful Queen Mary, some terrific night life and a load of things to interest and intrigue!

We have live theater, a nifty convention center, and—as you probably guessed from the name—we have an OCEAN! Yep, we're like that with the Pacific, you know...

Contact Me

Why do you need to contact me? And, forget about that for a minute, but why would you not just EMAIL me? Makes no sense. But why ask why? Keep the form makers in business and slap some info in the boxes, below!

©2023 ATaleTold Ltd.
A Division of Weyland-Yutani, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of the Purina Corporation.