

Your Security solution for Atlassian products. Why not try our free basic scan and find if you have any common configuration errors, missed advisories or a product that is end of life?

Atlassian cloud sites (ending with .atlassian.net) are not supported.

Recent Scans

{{scan.url}} {{scan.scanState}} {{scan.product}} {{scan.version}} {{scan.failureReason}}

 Scan of {{selectedScan.url}}

Scan{{selectedScan.scanState}} {{selectedScan.failureReason}}
Url{{selectedScan.url}} Configuration
Product{{selectedScan.product}} {{selectedScan.version}} Supported
License{{selectedScan.license}} Advisories


Check {{result.name}} {{result.description}} Advisory {{result.advisoryDate}} {{result.description}} CVE {{result.cveId}} {{result.description}}

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Prepend acquires Atlasscan

Instead of retiring, Atlasscan has been acquired by Prepend which means that the service will continue to exist!

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Free Basic Scan

Atlasscan's free basic scan matches your product and version against known security advisories, the end of life table and a set of common configuration mistakes.


Atlasscan grew out of a custom made tool for performing security tests on Atlassian products. Whereas the tool is command line only, Atlasscan is a web application that features automatic periodic scans of all listed hosts and a dashboard for immediate insight in the state of your Atlassian products.