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The Blunt Truth Project is a film collaborative bringing the first female stoner feature to life. With the new movement of women power, we feel that all women’s voice should be heard, even the baked. So we are creating web series, podcasts and feature films to bring light to women of the real world, who are otherwise forgotten on the big screen.

The story follows Casey as she goes through her sexual liaisons in life, from one bad relationship to another. Along the way she has two best friends who try to help, one who also happens to be her pot dealer, gives her the best blunt advice while the other would rather be stoned, have sex all the time and speak only in Madonna quotes or the most disgusting things a woman could say. As Casey, tries to find a meaningful relationship, she finds the love of her life, but finds that love is never easy to come by.

Currently the Blunt Truth Project has created a web series entitled 'DTF with Maggie and MJ' focusing on the relationship the stoner duo has with their customers. In the series one deals it with a side of advice while the other tries to control her sexual urges with a Madonna addiction to boot. Customers will come by, and leave with more than they bargained for.

We also are releasing weekly podcasts in "The Blunt Truth presents: Seeing Stoned." Out every Friday, where we analyze stoner films- asking the question: is this a stoner film or just one about a stoner? So take a deep or high dive with us into the your favorite baked classics from Friday to Pineapple Express!

And stay tuned for more from the Blunt Truth Project!

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