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We are your company’s translation department

(without the payroll taxes)

2+ millions words in 2023

Ready for more in ‘24

Custom solutions and rates

Fast and cheap, fast and expensive… It’s up to you!

Data security

We fiercely protect your privacy

Our raison d'être

We adapt rates and services on a job-to-job basis. Sometimes you need top quality, sometimes the document is for internal reference purposes. We find the quality/cost ratio that works for you

The Boutique Translations team

Carlos Barragán

Senior project manager

Carlos Barragán

Carlos has over 30 years of experience. He has managed projects for clients ranging from small businesses to companies like Microsoft and Amazon.

Cecilia Ghidotti

Internal linguist

Cecilia Ghidotti

Cecilia is a polygot with a taste for puns. Her backround in copywriting and literature gives a creative sparkle to your translations.

Begin a lasting relationship with us today!