It's Magic...

Get a FREE copy of the hilarious

children's book, Here's Spelling.

nb. Crow not included (Or Weasel).

Subscribe to join my newsletter and I'll send you a free copy of the eBook, Here's Spelling, for 5 to 8 year olds. Plus, you'll be the first to hear of future releases and promos.  I promise no spam and you can unsubscribe at any time.

New book coming soon...

Look.  It's Spelling's little sister, Telling, getting in on the act.

What's that you say, Telling?  You can't wait to read the first full length book all about how annoying Spelling is when he eats with his mouth open ...
WAIT ...

That's NOT what the new book is about.
It's actually about Spelling's first day at their new school, Incantations Primary AND it contains three utterly hilarious stories - Familiars, Wands and Questions.


Thank-you so much for visiting my website, where you can find out more about my books and characters.

Check out the Spot the Difference below, featuring Klaus the Mouse from 'Meet Spelling.' 

It's a Mouse Mystery

SOMEONE has cloned Klaus the Mouse using multiplying magic.
Can you tell which is the right one? Clue - He should look like this ...

That weasel might look silly, but he still remembered to claim his free book.

Don't forget, you can subscribe to join my newsletter today and I'll send you a free copy of the eBook, Here's Spelling, for 5 to 8 year olds. Plus, you'll be the first to hear of future releases and promos.  I promise no spam, no crows and definitely no weasels.  Oh, and you don't need a wand to unsubscribe.