The Way of LOVIE

 We the collective are all intuitive & energetic beings having human experiences. At our core, we are connected and have a universal SELF and SOURCE.

However, no one journey is an identical replica of the next and as such deserves a unique experience that caters to each SELF and SOURCE identity.

Dear LOVIE is a holistic wellness practice facilitating sacred safe space for the collective through the exploration of SOURCE to inspire SELF health and healing by providing an assortment of cultivated guided TRIP experiences, products and offerings that Leverage Omniscient Vitality through Intuitive Energy.

The beauty of tomorrow is that you do not have to wait until then to choose better for yourself today.

May you continue to Transcend Reality Inward Progressively, discovering what resonates with your spirit and nourishes your soul.

You are divine LOVIE.

This one’s for you…



Hold sacred safe space designed to create heightened opportunities to TRIP
ranscend Reality by journeying
Inward Progressively
for the individual SELF through the collective SOURCE found within us all.



Inspire the deepest levels of holistic healing, health, and wellness in all aspects of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social matters.

Guide the collective TRIP to the forgotten unknowns of SOURCE that hold the key to your individual SELF.



Experience the manifesting power of LOVIE

Leverage Omniscient Vitality through Intuitive Energy in order to further our ascension mushrooming (rapidly growing, expanding and spreading) divine light and infinite love.

Dear LOVIE Guided TRIP Experiences

Your continual SELF Investment today is the manifestation you obtain from SOURCE tomorrow
Holistic Pillar: Physical

Ultimate Guided TRIP Experience

Ultimate Guided TRIP Experience is a uniquely cultivated opportunity to Transcend Reality Inward Progressively within an actual trip environment. During this profoundly enhanced acceleration you will deepen your SELF connection through the exploration of SOURCE in order to rediscover the key to Leveraging Omniscient Vitality through Intuitive Energy that unlocks the answers that live within us all.
Holistic Pillar: Mental

Manifest Mindfulness Training

Manifest & Motivate TRIP Mindfulness Training equips you with practical facilitating tools to use in every day life that will shift your perspective to Transcend Reality Inward Progressively. By eliminating blockages preventing you from Leveraging Omniscient Vitality through Intuitive Energy, you will be able to SELF actualize your highest potential and align with the infinite SOURCE of abundance destined to & for you.
Holistic Pillar: Emotional

Reiki Healing & Sound Bathing Meditation

Guided Sound Bathing TRIP Meditation is an experience for you to SELF reflect, relax and decompress while listening to a variety of musical SOURCE that guide the way to Transcend Reality Inward Progressively. Reiki TRIP Treatments energetically cleanses the metaphysical SOURCE of the mind, body, soul & spirit resulting in you feeling more at ease, grounded, and in tune to Leverage Omniscient Vitality through Intuitive Energy.
Holistic Pillar: Spiritual

Chakra Healing TRIP Transmission

Crystal Chakra Cleansing & Light Language TRIP Transmission is an experience curated in the form of energy healing & intuitive SOURCE transmissions that Transcend Reality Inward Progressively. Channeling energy into the seven chakras removes the metaphysical blocks within your SELF that obstruct Leveraging Omniscient Vitality through Intuitive Energy.
Holistic Pillar: Social/All

Holistic Collective Activities

‘Parent & Me’ Group Decompression Sessions (all ages welcome) and Holistic Society Weekend Wellness Retreats (18+ only) have a larger emphasis on social health and the connection to our collective SOURCE of community health while still catering to individual SELF healing. By fully embracing the integration our individual SELF with the collective SOURCE of community wellness, we are able to spread the divine light and infinite love that flows interchangeable within us all.

A Trip Into

The Self & Source of


“In order to truly know how far I’ve come today and why I am destined to be Tomorrow, you have to first understand who I was yesterday.”

-Kesho (Tomorrow)

Kesho is the creator and founder of Dear LOVIE holistic health, healing & wellness practice. She is a woman on a journey of SELF discovery that was gifted with a vision, purpose and mission to hold sacred safe space for the collective and inspire SELF healing, health and wellness through the exploration of SOURCE.

The entire blueprint and vision for Dear LOVIE is a result of Kesho’s own personal experience Transcending Reality Inward Progressively. But most importantly, Kesho is a proud single mother of a precious baby girl that has taught her the true essence of Leveraging Omniscient Vitality through Intuitive Energy.

Tomorrow is the Swahili SOURCE translation of Kesho’s name and the symbolic SELF identity of Kesho’s position as an intuitive TRIP guide and aficionado.

Tomorrow is also the SELF actualizing manifestation of what we all SOURCE today and a reminder of the importance & power in Transcending Reality Inward Progressively and Leveraging Omniscient Vitality through Intuitive Energy to align with our true highest SELF.

The ‘Dear’ in Dear LOVIE is not only the addressing of letters written by Tomorrow but also a tribute and dedication to Kesho’s daughter, Dyani.

‘Deer’ is the Native American SOURCE translation for Dyani which lead Kesho to coin the term ‘Dear’ in honor of her child as well as her own inner child that she has been writing to since she was a young girl.

Dear Dyani is Tomorrow’s LOVIE and Kesho’s continual SOURCE of inspiration to enjoy the gift of today while also embracing her own SELF light & love.

Together they make Dear LOVIE.

LOVIE represents who we all are when we tap into our highest power, potential and truest form as energetic beings.

The term and meaning was first revealed to Kesho during one of her own initial experiences Transcending Reality Inward Progressively and the understanding of its deeper meaning and infinite applications continue to be revealed.

To that point, LOVIE is an acronym for:

Leveraging | using to maximum advantage

Omniscient | knowing everything

Vitality | the power giving continuance of life, present in all living things


Intuitive | based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning

Energy | the strength required for sustained physical or mental activity power

We are all created with the innate ability to Leverage Omniscient Vitality through Intuitive Energy. When we strip away the programming of societal and experiential conditioning we have absorbed since birth and begin to embrace and nurture the core SELF and SOURCE identity naturally engrained in our spirits as energetic beings we are able to tap into a higher power and SOURCE of LOVIE.

LOVIE is beyond any person, place nor thing. It is an infinite and ever-evolving state of being, that all people, places and things can and do embody as we transmit and retain various frequencies of energy. To be LOVIE is to be infinite in your power, resilient in your approach and intentional in your ability.

LOVIE is also the personification of the Mushy Gaia Goddess destined to mushroom (expand, develop, form & spread) divine light and infinite love for, with & to the collective. The actual image used for Dear LOVIE is the artistic manifestation of an intuitive gift created by the talented Leauna’s Beauty.

Transcending Reality Inward Progressively is the key component to Leveraging Omniscient Vitality through Intuitive Energy. It describes the experience of our journey to rediscover SELF through the SOURCE of our exchanges as energetic beings having human experiences.

It is an acronym for:

Transcending | be or go beyond the range or limits of

Reality | the world or the state of things as they currently exist

Inward | directed or proceeding toward the inside; coming in from outside

Progressively | steadily; in a forward-looking, innovative manner

We are all being guided and destined to TRIP throughout every stage of our lives. There are infinite ways to practice Transcending Reality Inward Progressively as all spiritual and even religious practices at their core tap into some, if not all, elements your SELF connection to SOURCE.

Whether you are meditating, praying or even just sleeping, you hold great power and energy in your conscious and unconscious mind, body, soul & spirit. It is not something that is given to you but rather a tool already inside of you that you simply need to exercise and put to use in order to get the most out of it.

Think of it as daydreaming, except rather than it remaining a dream, you learn to harness the power of LOVIE within your SELF to SOURCE those dreams into your reality by Transcending Reality Inward Progressively.

Each of Tomorrow’s cultivated services provide unique opportunities for your individual SELF to be guided to TRIP through various SELF access points of SOURCE that enhance your ability to Leverage Omniscient Vitality via Intuitive Energy.

The Lotus flower is regarded in many different cultures as a symbol of purity, compassion, transformation, enlightenment, self-regeneration and rebirth.

For Kesho, it is symbolic of the TRIP discovery that has led her to finding the beauty in her own blossoming of SELF love and SOURCE of light despite the times her path have felt dark.

Furthermore, it is an analogy for all of our experiences as energetic beings having human experiences. Even when its roots (TRIP/SOURCE) are in the murkiest of waters, the Lotus is still able to produce the most beautiful flower (LOVIE/SELF).

A physical representation that even in times of darkness, you are the divine light. You innately have all you truly need to bloom living within you and your existence is no coincidence, mistake nor accident. You are divine LOVIE; regardless of where you currently are on your path.

When we act in the true capacity of Leveraging Omniscient Vitality through Intuitive Energy, we embody the beauty and true essence of the Lotus flower.

Recent Blogs

Tomorrow’s Blog is a collection of letters written by Kesho to her past, present and future SELF, the greater collective consciousness and her daughter, Dyani – the deepest & greatest SOURCE of her inspiration in life.

These messages are a symbolic representation and acknowledgement of the answers unlocked by Kesho’s TRIP to discovery LOVIE and a reflection of the collective mirrored SELF.

I am as you are.. Together we will.. Until next time.. This one’s for you…

Sincerely Yours,

Let's Take A TRIP

You have the innate ability to Leverage Omniscient Vitality through Intuitive Energy by Transcending Reality Inward Progressively.

Tap into SELF today and discover the manifesting power of SOURCE tomorrow.


I am as you are..

Together we will..

Until next time..

This one’s for you..

Sincerely Yours, Tomorrow

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