Get started below!

Churches wanting to sponsor a plan for their staff:

Staff wanting to enroll in a plan sponsored by their church:


If you’re in an individual looking for insight or resources, feel free to go to our resource page for staff and employees.

Do you have questions about plan sponsorship. Feel free to check out our plan sponsor page for information or contact our team at 719.352.3219.

Develop a Future Vision


This free, online tool will help you determine how to use the unique passions, abilities, and experiences that God has given you. Discover a new vision for retirement that focuses on maximizing your purpose and Kingdom impact.


Enroll Into or Review Your Account


This quick and easy tool is user-friendly, interactive, and provides you with an educational enrollment experience. Review your account annually to make sure it is up to date.


Discover Educational Resources


Envoy offers a wide range of resources including books, online apps, emails, and articles that will empower you to make wise investment and money decisions.


Find the Help You Need


Envoy’s professional support team is available via email, phone, and online chat. You can also schedule times to meet with a licensed advisor. You also have access to a complete online help center.