

Who are the enfrightened ones?

The Enfrightened Ones are those who devote themselves to the continuation of the horror genre. You may find us throughout all of space and time.

They take an academic view of film, literature, podcasts, and any other medium through which horror is shared, with the ultimate goal of adding new members to our ranks, welcoming new voices to the conversation.

Black and white picture of wooded area, lake in background

Birdfeeder hanging from tree

Ongoing projects

  • Horror is political and rife with social commentary. If you don’t see it, then allow us to enfrighten you. This collection of accessible academic essays analyzes the ways in which the horror genre—be it in film, literature, audio drama, or any other medium—comments on social justice. This collection does not offer solutions to social justice issues, but highlights horror’s contributions to the larger conversation.

  • An anthology of “cozy horror” stories. All the best weirdos, freaks, and enfrightened ones take some solace in horror.

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There is no beginning or end, only updates and reminders about our books and ongoing projects.