The Global Leader in Foundational Medicine

Delivering the most cutting-edge research and education on foundational medicine

Unbiased Solutions

Discovering the most effective and powerful therapies that trigger the body’s innate healing response

Whole Body Approach

Addressing all factors that influence health, including the body as well as the conscious and subconscious mind

Backed by Science

Therapies and solutions that have high-quality scientific evidence of both safety and effectiveness

Root Source Healing

We believe that the body is powerful and has the innate ability to protect and heal itself as long as it has an optimal environment. At The Institute of Foundational Medicine, our goal is to provide ground-breaking educational information that promotes this type of environment. We’ve found that when you provide your body with the nutrients and environment it needs to thrive, miraculous outcomes occur. True solutions should help restore the intricate balance and enhance your health, not cause harmful side effects. We believe that there is a time and place for conventional medicine, but things like surgery and prescriptions should be a last resort (except in rare circumstances). As the global leader in foundational medicine, we are dedicated to researching and uncovering the latest advancements when it comes to enhancing health and well-being.

“Once you know better, you do better.”

– Dr. Earl

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