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Use our free song lyrics with your music

Attention songwriters. Use the lyrics on this site together with your music to create your next number one hit.

Take the lyrics you like and put them to your music.

You know you can write a good tune but can't find the right words.

On this website you will find unused song lyrics written by the owners of this website.
Although the site URL suggests the lyrics are free, if you want to use the lyrics with your own original music
you will need to ask for our permission first
We will reply as soon as possible with our terms for using the new song lyrics.
You pay nothing to use any of our lyrics until the songs earn you some royalties. At that point we, as lyricists, take 30% of the gross royalties.

Please do NOT claim that you wrote the lyrics yourself, or you will put yourself at risk of prosecution.

You can use the contact form on this website to contact us for the required permissions.
There is also a link here to a PDF copy of the MU Song Share Agreement.
This will need to be completed and signed by both parties before permission is granted to use our lyrics.

Only when the completed song is published and earns royalties, or any other financial returns,
will royalties become payable to the copyright owner named on

Just choose the songs you want, highlight the words in your browser and copy and paste
in the usual way.

More free song lyrics. Click the images below or look at our links page.

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Terms and Conditions
If you’d like to use the lyrics with your own original music you will need to ask for our permission first. We will reply as soon as possible with our terms for using the new song lyrics.
You pay nothing to use any of our lyrics until the songs earn you some royalties. At that point we, as lyricists, take 30% of the gross royalties.

By using any song lyric or part of a song lyric which we publish, becomes entitled to receive 30% of the total royalties as holders of the copyright of the lyrics.
The user of the lyrics is deemed to understand and accept this agreement as legally binding and to make arrangements for all monies to be rendered to

All songs are copyright protected. The right of Ayesha Pezashki to be identified as the author of these works has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Design and Patent Acts 1988.
All rights are reserved. No part of any lyric published may be reproduced, stored or transmitted by any means without the full and unreserved acceptance of the terms contained herein.

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