I Am Not Totally Convinced That You Don't Hate Children.
Please Watch The Video Then Submit Your Video Testimonial If You Truly Do Not  Hate Children.
Submit Your Video Testimonial


Follow These 3 Steps.

First, you must Click the BLUE button FIRST...(it'll open a new tab to send you to YouTube where you can record/upload your video testimonial). 

Second, after you click the blue button, record your video testimonial and upload it. 

...not sure what to say??

Talk about your backstory and before you met me.

Then talk about a problem you encountered and how it made you feel, both externally and internally.

Then talk about the epiphany you had (ideally from me or some of my materials).

Then talk about what you've tried that didn't work.

Then talk about the new action you took or plan to take.

Then talk about the end results you've seen or plan to see. 

Third, AFTER your video is uploaded, send me the link by pasting it into the form below and clicking the GREY "submit" button. 

Joseph Is Way Cooler Than You...
And So Are Franc & Tina...
And Even Andrea...and Countless Others...

Dear Person Who Owes Me A Video Testimonial,

The choice is simple.

If you hate children, click the "x" and leave this page.

If you do not hate children, and you're a person of your word, record the quick video testimonial now that you promised me.


I've got a REALLY cool gift I'll mail you once you submit it. 

Click the blue button above and then send me the link.


Dana "I Still Love You" Derricks
AKA The World's Richest Goat Farmer
AKA "The Copywriting Professor"
AKA "The Drone Crasher"

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