
Development roadmap


3 month


3 month


3 month

Community account management (FX Master)

A unique offers member fees of 89 USDT.
"Unlock Your Trading Potential with your I.F.C.S membership!"

Join our 9-month training program, with membership valid for 18 months.

Learn the fundamentals of comprehensive reading of the fluctuation of price (Price Forecasting), risk management, and market psychology.

Learn the skills needed to succeed in the FX market.

Phase 1 - 3 month: Master the essentials.

Phase 2 - 3 month: Participate in learning alongside seasoned FX Masters.

Phase 3 - 3 month: Decide your successful path to trade independently.

Open membership card - Accompany with IFCS


The first nine months of the curriculum are spent in Section 1, which has three parts: Training comes first. Copy trading with top FX Masters is the second method. Phase 3: Independent, experienced trading.

Before starting phase 2, you can upgrade from 89 USDT to $589. This gives you an MT4 $500 managed trading account and these benefits:

  1. To study, practice, and work with top FX Masters at your leisure.
  2. Within three months of the initial cruise, your account will get half of any losses, up to $500.
  3. After three months on the road, you can withdraw or deposit your earnings.
  4. After three months, you can add funds to your account or withdraw your gains and $500 initial capital.


Section 1 covers the first nine months of the program and is divided into three parts: Training comes first. The second strategy is copy trading with top FX Masters. Phase 3: Independent and experienced trading.

You will be given a $500 MT4 trading account within 14 days of commencing phase 1. This allows you to start imitating trades from multi-account-managed managers (FX Masters) and offers the following benefits:

  1. Study, practice, and collaborate with top FX Masters at your convenience.
  2. Within three months of the first voyage, your account will receive 100% of any losses up to $500.
  3. After three months on the road, you can withdraw or deposit your earnings.
  4. After three months, you can add funds to your account or withdraw your gains and $500 initial capital.
  5. You will receive up to 24 hours of 1:1 tutoring with seasoned FX Masters.

I.F.C.S Innovative Finance Community for Success

  • End of the course: 270 day
  • Sold: 200 member
  • Start selling in advance: 12/03/2024
  • Course code: D.E.A.F
  • Total number of members: 500 member

  • 24 Day
  • 24 Hour
  • 24 Minute
  • 24 Second
Sold: 200 500

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Introducing the IFCS community

Instructions for opening an account

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Division of Fintech & Innovation

Division of FX Analyst

Division of FX Master

Division of Incubator & Angle Investor

Division of IFCS Startup