Inflation Reduction Act of 2022
Tax Pro Training
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 was signed into law on August 16th, 2022, by President Biden. There are brand new and enhanced tax credits available to individuals and small business owners. 

The sole purpose of this course is to transform CPAs, EAs, and Tax Pros who know little to nothing about the IRA 2022 into experts so that you can best serve your clients for the future tax seasons.

Course Launches August 31st, 2022

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Pre-Order before August 31st to Save 50%!

Transform into an EXPERT your clients can count on! 

In this course, you will learn about the NEW and ENHANCED tax credits that come from the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

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  • Lesson #1 IRS Funding Is the IRS really hiring 87,000 people to audit everyone? In this lesson, you will discover what is not true and what is really happening. 
  • Lesson #2 New Corporate 15% Minimum Tax Big corporations are in for a BIG surprise with a new tax that is coming their way
  • Lesson #3 New 1% Excise Stock Buyback Tax savings for your investor clients but not so good tax impact for publicly traded corporations
  • Lesson #4 Excess Business Loss Limitations Update This might not affect most of your clients, but it could happen to one, so better safe than sorry
  • Lesson #5 Premium Tax Credit Update Premium tax credit gets some love that your clients will love to hear about from you!
  • Lesson #6 Enhanced! Energy Efficient Home Improve Credit  Whew! Now this lesson is hot! Discover enhanced features for home improvements in this lesson!
  • Lesson #7 Enhanced! New Residential Clean Energy Credit Did someone say improvement to solar tax credits? That's right discover them in lesson $7!
  • Lesson #8 Enhanced! Clean Vehicle Credit This lesson might have your clients ready to buy a new Tesla before you can even finish your sentence
  • Lesson #9 NEW! Preowned Clean Vehicle Credit Okay! Now this is a brand new credit never before offered credit that you to tell your clients about!
  • Lesson #10 NEW! Commercial Vehicle Credit Someone call the Fire Dept. This lesson is super hot! There is a brand new business tax credit worth up to $40,000!

Your Instructor 

Duke Alexander Moore is an IRS Enrolled Agent and Certified Tax Coach who is passionate about business and taxes. How to Write Off a Car is his debut course. It is the first step in his project to educate small business owners and entrepreneurs about the world of taxes in a fun and entertaining way.
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