Your trusted scanlating group that works on detective/mystery manga such as Kindaichi, CMB, QED iff, Psychometrer Eiji, and Rocketman!
On-Going Manga
C.M.B. || Kindaichi Shounen Jikenbo || Psychometer Eiji || Q.E.D. || Tantei Gakuen Q

Chapter Release!

Q.E.D. iff, v22 c44 :

This is our last release for the year, and we will be back in January sometime.

Happy Holidays, everyone!

Introducing our newest series - Kaiki Tantei Sharaku Homura, an award winning self publication!

Join Homura and Karate-kun as they solve impossible mysteries in every single case, including locked room murders, footprints in the snow, vanishing corpses, and more!

Here’s the Mangadex link, go check it out!
