Good news, everyone! Arma 3 is getting Extension Callback! You can read all about it on callExtension wiki page. So I decided to update my extension tester to support callback, as I know for a fact that some of you are already using this tool. So here is change log:

  • Added: Support for Extension Callback
  • Added: RVExtensionVersion method is now called automatically (if exists) on extension load
  • Removed: callExtension “<name>” version syntax, because version is called automatically now
  • Added:  Ability to execute script by dragging it into opened callExtension tool window and pressing Enter
  • Added: test_callback extension for testing. The source for it is on callExtension wiki page
  • Added: Test script showcase now calls test_callback extension as well at the end
  • Changed: Misc format changes

Other than the above, this extension behaves as the older v1.0.

Download zip, unpack, launch callExtension executable, drag test_script.sqf into the window, press Enter and watch the demo.
