HELLO! Welcome to my world of writing, music, stories, videos, and devotional content! I am a beloved daughter of the Father God of Creation, a disciple of Christ, and a student of the Holy Spirit. I am a wife to a wonderful man, a mother to two incredible boys, and everything in between. I thoroughly enjoy sharing testimonies of God’s faithfulness and goodness, stories of my struggles and challenges, and encouragements to those who need a little help breaking free from bondage. I’ve been so grateful for all of those who have helped pull me from fires, rescue me from pits, and remind me of who I am in Christ. The least I can do is share what I’ve learned with others!

SPIRITUAL REALITY is so fascinating. I believe that inside each human heart is a spiritual landscape, complete with gardens, trees, a mountain range, and a running river. In the middle of that landscape is a home that is also a temple, complete with special rooms, and throne room. In that throne room is a throne. It is a holy place. It is where we worship. It is where we run in times of need. I believe that every person has the choice who they enthrone, who they ultimately worship: themselves, various idols, Satan, or Jesus Christ. This is a convicting truth that I have come to know as true reality. I believe that every person produces fruit trees in their garden. I believe that every person is responsible for tending to their gardens and their home, that is also their God-given temple.

THROUGH PRACTICE, diligence, patience, endurance and (even) joyful anticipation, we can engage with this reality of our inner-world. It takes child-like imagination to enter into this sphere of existence. Because, really, the spiritual, unseen, internal, REALITY is more authentic, substantial, important, impactful, and tangible than the one we see/hear/taste/smell/touch every day. Our human experience is not just seen. It is unseen.

My goal is to transparently share my journey in seeing, hearing, sensing, and engaging with God in the spiritual realm, the realm where I have been saved, delivered, resurrected, and seated with Christ. It is the heavenly places where we encounter Him. Here, on LadderHouseProject, I want to encourage child-like imagination, help build strong conviction of the spiritual realities we face every day, and a deeper desire to honor, worship, and commune with the King of all Kings, Jesus the Christ.

Would you like to join me in this journey?


This is a picture of Dunluce Castle in Northern Ireland. My family and I traveled there in 2019, capturing this beautiful image. It wasn’t until afterward we read (in some sort of history article) that it also captured the attention of C.S. Lewis! So much so, it was the inspiration for Care Paravel in his series The Chronicles of Narnia.

Would you like to have a conversation about inviting Christ Jesus into your heart? Would you like to share a story with me? Feel welcome to email me at: LadderHousePro@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing from you!