What else would you expect of your Sofer?

Carefully written Mezuzah, Tefillin, and Sefer Torah with great beauty and with the Kavanos of the Holy Arizal and the Rashash

Why should you look for a new Mezuzah and Tefillin written with Kavanos HaArizal ?

According to the Tosafot and the Shulchan Aruch, the main function of the mezuzah is to protect the house from evil.

But according to the Zohar, a Mezuzah or Tefilin that wasn’t written with the proper Kavanah is considered blemished. 

Wait, but I don’t follow Kabalistic customs. Read this post to learn in-depth about this issue, and why your Mezuzah could be problematic according to leading Rabbis and Sages. Even in the realm of Halacha…

Are you having problems with having children,  health, or money? 

There is no way to promise it, but this could change your life for the best.

As many Tzadikkim have stated, the Mezuzah is the first thing to check when in need of blessings for having children,  health, and money.

Mezuzah Arizal


All Mezuzos written with the Kavanos of the Arizal and the Rashash

Sefer Torah with Kabbalah Kavanah

Sefer Torah

Fulfil the mitzvah to write a Sefer Torah for the elevation of the soul of your departed loved one.
A Sefer Torah also needs to be written with Kavanah!

Tefillin written with Arizal Kavanah

Tefillin Parshios

Ask to enter the waiting list.

What does it take to write a Mezuzah with Kabbalistic intentions?

Each letter in a Mezuzah or Tefillin has a mystical meaning. 

Each name of Hashem needs to be written with the right meditation/kavanah.

“ A man should be careful with the Holy Name, to write it in this manner, for this is how it is proper. If it is not done in this manner, it is not considered a Holy Name but is considered defective. ” Zohar Vaykrah 11b

These are a few of the books that teach us the depth of these secrets. 

Mezuzah Arizal Shemah Israel

Who doesn't want more blessings at home?