How to differentiate leadership from management… and why it’s not as different as you think

Sometimes it’s easy for us to declare ‘poor leadership’ or declare individuals ‘managers not leaders’ but do we really know what we mean when we say these things? We love to draw distinctions between management and leadership, but are leadership and management fundamentally different roles in practice?

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Statistics & High Performers: Studying the Outliers

One of the first things we teach people in economics, statistics, and business is how, in a statistically valid way, do we eliminate the weirdos. How do we eliminate the outliers so we can find the line of best fit? Which is fantastic if we are trying to find out what coffee to serve at the canteen… but not if we are interested in potential, or happiness or productivity or energy or creativity, where instead of understanding the high performers we’re instead simply creating the ‘cult of the average’.

Continue reading “Statistics & High Performers: Studying the Outliers”

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