Our mission is to help with know-how and tools those who want to start or reboot a startup the lean way. Additional know-how is provided for advertisers who want to improve their social media advertisement performance. Several tools, White papers, and eBooks are offered either for free or for a moderate cost.
New! Read about digital marketing and the corresponding products under DIGITAL MARKETIG.


A White Paper has been published to draw advertisers’ attention to the utmost importance of measurement and the vast opportunities for those who have broken even and want to scale up.


Comprehensive know-how is provided for those who want to take their Facebook Ads measurement skills to a high level and want to set up their measuring system with the right metrics.

The 1.3 edition of our 70+ page eBook has been published for free download covering the theory and practice of lean startups.

eBook: In Search of the Lean Startup


Cash Flow Forecaster and Traction Simulator

The Cash Flow Forecaster & Traction Simulator is a new, innovative software made for the MS Excel environment. It predicts the number of customers and purchases month by month and forecasts the corresponding cash flow (and a lot of other KPIs).


The Lean Startup know-how pack was designed for those who are either in the idea collection and evaluation phase, or building and testing their business model. Our 12+ tools help you develop and market better products for your ideal customers.

Lean Startup know-how pack with tool set


Click on the links or the pictures to read about the details.

The Story of Jeff, the Entrepreneur
Jeff has got a great idea (you can watch it in square format on our Facebook page)