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Ivy Jean
Ivy Jean
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    There’s always time for growth, improvement, and letting go - especially when you’re not soulfully content with a situation. To grow refreshed petals within your soul, you will need to make room and drop a few.
  • have a peachy monday lovers 🍑

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    “It is never too late to turn on the light. Your ability to break an unhealthy habit or turn off an old tape doesn’t depend on how long it has been running; a shift in perspective doesn’t depend on how long you’ve held on to the old view.

    When you flip the switch in that attic, it doesn’t matter whether its been dark for ten minutes, ten years or ten decades.

    The light still illuminates the room and banishes the murkiness, letting you see the things you couldn’t see before.

    Its never too late to take a moment to look.”

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    It is truly pointless to stress over what others may think, and it’s really not about you. Fundamentally, you are always multidimensionally reflecting what some souls love to see, wish to see, and hate to see within themselves.
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