Why purchase through Montana Tax Free? Here’s why:

No sales or use taxes;

No emissions testing;

Purchase your car, truck, boat, or RV anywhere in the U.S. and register it through Montana Tax Free in Montana;

Cheaper registration fees (property tax) than states using MSRP as tax basis;

Permanent plates available to avoid the annual nuisance and expense;

Over 130 plates to pick from to match your dream vehicle. See https://dojmt.gov/driving/plate-designs-and-fees/

You wouldn’t want this:  on this: 

No travel to Montana required. We’ll handle everything.

Why hire Montana Tax Free:

Personalized service from a fellow enthusiast;

The protection of a criminal defense attorney’s lawyer-client confidentiality if your home state questions what’s legal in Montana.

The staying power of a law firm approaching its third decade in operation. We’ll be here in 2032 when you need to renew your plates.

Don’t pay less for questionable advice and inferior protection. Registered agents will offer a similar service for less, without the knowledge, advice and protection offered by a Montana law firm.