Weather parameters
Average Daily High Temperature
Daily Average Dewpoint Temperature

Average Daily High Temperature

Explore USA Weather by Day and Visualize Annual Weather Patterns

Use the slider bar to navigate to a specific day of the year, and view weather data every 5 days for the best visualization experience. You can also click the play icon to animate the annual weather patterns across the USA.

When exploring the weather for a particular day or animating annual patterns, you can choose to view temperature , precipitation , snowfall , comfortable weather days and dew point temperature data by selecting the corresponding icon from the list on the left-hand side.

Finding the Place with Perfect Weather

To access the sidebar menu, simply click on the filter icon or the menu icon located in the top right corner of the screen. The sidebar allows you to filter places by annual average temperature range, maximum annual rainfall, or maximum annual snowfall. To use this feature, expand the sidebar and click on the temperature/rain/snow button, then select the desired option by clicking on the checkbox.

One of the unique features of our website is the ability to see the number of comfortable days within a specific temperature range across America. To do this, click on the "Comfortable Weather Days" button and adjust the daily max temperature and max dew point temperature range accordingly to find a location of your liking.

To view temperature, rainfall, snowfall, or comfortable days data for a specific county, simply hover your mouse over the county on the map. Clicking on a county will zoom in on the map, and clicking on the same county again will zoom out.

Data Sources

myPerfectWeather.com uses data from the National Center for Environmental Information, with 15,000+ weather stations across the USA reporting precipitation, snowfall, humidity and temperature. The data is collected and processed over a 30-year period from 1991-2020, ensuring accuracy. A sophisticated algorithm identifies nearby weather stations for each county and calculates weather data based on a weighted average of station data, ensuring accuracy and relevance. Population information for cities comes from the US Census database.

National Center for Environmental Information, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
US Census Bureau


The information displayed in the visualizations on this website is provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including without limitation, any warranty of accuracy, reliability, or suitability for any particular purpose. The weather data used in the visualizations is obtained from external sources and may contain errors resulting from factors such as equipment failures, complex data processing procedures, transmission issues, geospatial mapping to specific counties, and other defects not explicitly mentioned here. The website's creators assume no liability for any damages or losses arising from the use of the information presented on this site or for any decisions made based on such information.