Python Developer

I recently finished the Nucamp Backend, SQL, and DevOps with Python boot camp, and I’m building my portfolio for this website.

What sets me apart from other boot camp graduates? I have a background in cross-cultural communications. I can learn to communicate with all sorts of people. I know I don’t know everything, I can listen, and I learn fast and change fast.

Hi everyone! Welcome to my website.

Core Competencies



  • Copywriting

  • Proofreading

  • Content Development

  • Targeted Messaging

  • Curriculum Design

  • Process Improvement

Tech + Web Development


  • Python

  • Postgres SQL

  • Docker

  • Flask + Django

  • SDLC, CI/CD, DevOps

  • AWS

  • Azure

  • Google Cloud


Working with People


  • Client Relations

  • Training & Coaching

  • Customer Service

Other Stuff I’m Working On

Language and Culture Learning

  • Spanish (intermediate)

  • Chinese (very basic conversational level)

  • Russian (exchanging pleasantries, saying “please excuse me” with a very good accent)


  • Food for Thought Police Podcast (offline) — about dystopian novels, TV series, and films

  • Chinese Revolutions Podcast — about modern Chinese history

Want to get in contact? Click “E-mail Nathan!”

Career as an English Teacher and Communications Professional

I’ve always wanted to be a multiplier. To really make a difference as a multiplier, I got into communication. When people work together and get to the point (and the right point) quickly and easily, they do what they want, how they want, and fast.

In college, I learned anthropology and linguistics so I could understand communication between people of different kinds, classes, and cultures.

I’ve taught English in Asia for six years, teaching my students how to communicate for themselves in conversationally and culturally effective ways.

For a year and a half, I learned how to document issues while delivering customer service, giving other departments the information they needed to serve the same client.

My last two years in China, I saw how technology changed the lives of people living in rural areas and how important marketing was to the success of the companies making that change possible.

Learning Web Development

When I was in Romania, I made a go of offering my communications skills to help tech startups. Now that I’m back in America, I’ve gone into Python backend web development and graduated from a boot camp in February, 2023.

Although I can still do writing, communications, etc. I found that I needed to take on new skillsets to advance my career. Now I am a backend Python web developer.