Norteas is a Nordplus network of Nordic and Baltic Performing Arts institutions in higher education. Norteas encourages students and teachers to seek innovation and new approaches to the already established practices, through the exchange of knowledge, experience and visions on contemporary performing arts and education.



Sensitivity - Power - Borders is the most recent intensive course for students and teachers within the Norteas network. The IC took place in Finland and was hosted by the Uniarts Helsinki Theatre Academy in 2023.

The next Norteas intensive course will be announced in 2024.

express mobility

Each year, the Norteas network receives Nordplus funding for sending students and staff on express mobilities between the network institutions or short-term internships in theatres or other performing arts production venues. If you are a student or a teacher and would like to know more about this option, don't hesitate to contact your institutional Norteas contact persons or the international office in your home institution.

the nordic common studies

The Nordic Common Studies is a mobility activity where the network chooses a slot in the academic year, where schools swap their students and experiment with teaching and sharing of methods and experiences in an international context.
The next NCS will take place on week 36 / 2024 (2-7 September 2024).