We can elect the best judges for our city

Do you resent standing in the voting booth, a conscientious citizen, yet staring at the list of judicial candidates with no idea how to choose them? Does it undermine your faith in democracy? Or are you just resigned to it all? Either way, all you need to do is to spend a few minutes with this guide and you will be able to make informed, intelligent decisions about judges. When so few people vote for judges, if just a small portion of Philadelphians made informed choices, imagine the effect we could have. The Guide is organized by the courts the candidates hope to be elected to:

In a hurry? You can also print this PDF which contains all the information on the candidates. It’s not as nice as a website, but everything you need is there. You can also view the website on your phone, though some of the tables require scrolling right and left. Don’t have time now? Take it into the voting booth with you!

We are non-partisan, non-profit, and accept no funding; we advocate for no candidates or positions. We simply have been frustrated by every judicial election for years, had an idea and put this together in a few days, just in time for the primary (we hope). We’ll fix the table formatting and other issues after the vote; for now it works.

If you would like to know more, see the About page. Suggestions? Corrections? Omissions? Questions? Please let us know now, while you’re thinking about it. If you are reading this before the May primary, this project is less than a week old; we are just getting started.