Our Mission is to assist you in identifying your strengths or challenges when preparing for your Plumbing or Gas-fitting Licensing Exam in your local jurisdiction.

The practice questions from the quizzes, tests, or exams will give you an idea of the types of questions that appear on an actual plumbing and gas-fitting licensing exam. These quizzes, tests and exams will provide you with helpful insight regarding your personal study focus and goals prior to any state exam.

Plumbing exams vary by state but most all states and local plumbing and/or gas-fitting jurisdictions adopt either the IPC (International Plumbing Code) or the UPC (Uniform Plumbing Code). Other jurisdictions like Massachusetts, New York City and Chicago have created custom plumbing codes. Nonetheless, all jurisdictional exams include trade related math, fixtures, sanitary drainage systems, administrative policies, venting, indirect and special wastes, etc.