A night where the audience gives feedback to storytellers, writers, singers, poets and standups who are looking to share, iterate and grow.
How It Works
Submit the work you'd like to present on stage. Chapter, Poem, Song, Standup, etc.

If chosen, you'll have 7 total minutes (5 minutes performing, and 2 minutes of feedback).
Perform for 5 minutes.

Sing your song. Tell your standup set. Read your poem.
After your five minutes are up, ask the audience for feedback for 2 minutes.

Stuff like: "How should I change the arc?" "Why wasn't that joke funny?" "Do I need a better opener?"
Upcoming Shows
Purge Club is for people who want a look inside an artist's journey.

It's about the naked moments before work is refined — those early junctures where a writer changes their character's arc or a standup shortens the punchline for a joke. It's about the opening of a poem or the triad of a song and it's sometimes a singular difference that destines something to end up good or bad.
Monday • Kill Your Idol Miami Beach, FL,
Thursday • TBD Coral Gables, FL
Thursday • TBD Miami Beach, FL,
Thursday • TBD Wynwood, FL
Who's Behind This
Hi. I'm Alex Kruger.

I'm a writer in Miami. I've been published in places like the New York Times, The Guardian, and Esquire. ​

I recently went on tour with David Sedaris and realized that opportunities for writers to refine their craft on stage don't really exist. ​

And so I'm launching Purge Club.

If you want to join our team as more than just a performer, we're currently hiring for a couple of roles.
Fill out this form to join us.

Also, you can read more of my writing at

Welcome. Glad you're here. See you around.