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Forthcoming events

Megaprojects, such as LRT's, are characterized by their immense scale, complexity, and substantial financial investment. These projects play a pivotal role in modern infrastructure development. They are also frequently plagued by cost overruns, large delays, and significant disputes. These types of projects tend to take a “life of their own”, and once they do, it becomes difficult to manage or control any costs. Since costs are a lagging indicator, the aim is to discuss how these sorts of projects can be set up and managed to stay ahead of the curve. The purpose of this panel is to discuss the lessons learned from previous LRT projects and the best practices for managing costs and handling disputes on megaprojects
Leveraging off the success of the inaugural conference held in Broomfield, Colorado and Boston MA in 2023, the SCL NA will be hosting the 2024 conference in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

This year's theme is:
Vive Les Projets!: Impact Des Projets De Construction Sur Nos Vies
Long Live Projects: The Impact Of Construction Projects On Our Lives

Latest papers

Presentation slides from the Panel.

Two senior lawyers and two experienced experts discuss the role of experts across jurisdictions and the common tensions that arise from both the experts’ and lawyers’ perspectives. This paper also…

Far too many mega-projects have failed because of recurring root causes.  These causes include: (1) First of a kind (FOAK) projects, either in terms of new technologies or scale; (2)…