digital solutions
for your business.
Ads & Reputation.

Methods Resources

What can we do?

At a glance, we contribute to the growth of your company's income and the strengthening of the positive reputation of your business using the Internet, social networks and media 😎

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) of the websites

Internal SEO

We’ll aid your website to appear higher on major search engines like Google or Bing. We will analyze relevant queries and keywords, as well as competitor sites. We will compose the semantic core and develop the correct SEO site structure. This will quickly bring your site to the top of the search results.

External SEO

Placement of links and affiliate articles (native advertising) on ​​external resources. Promotion of the site in social media. Monitoring and correcting texts, images and other content as search engine algorithms change.


Continuous analysis of user behavior with subsequent adaptation of site interfaces and content. Monitor the funnel of search traffic and add/change content as needed.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC)Advertising on Google. Effective promotion of brands, products and services

By now, the Internet has become the most effective advertising platform for almost any business..

Our forte is Google Ads management services but not only. We also can design and manage advertising campaigns on Bing, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, teaser networks, games, apps, etc. We are talking not only about PPC but also about banner, video, push, native ads, targeted exactly at your audience.

SMARTketing Agency has been assigned the status of a Google Partner. This is an official recognition of our professionalism in working with Google Ads.

ORM (Online Reputation Management)

Are fake negative reviews hurting your business? Has your company suffered from biased articles in the media? Search engines give out any trash by your brand or name query? This can be fixed, although the task is not an easy one.

SERM (Search Engine Reputation Management) is a set of measures that combines monitoring and "crowding out" negative mentions from search engine results. This complex includes the writing and placement of positive articles, the disavowal of bad reviews, the work with feedbacks on Google Maps, and much more, up to the removal of negative publications using legislative and judicial tools. SERM is a long-term, diverse campaign, and for a retail business, constant activity is a must. We offer both one-time campaigns and subscriber SERM-service.

SMRM (Social Media Reputation Management) is a separate area of ​​ORM related to social networks. Also available as part of a short or long term service.

How do we do it?

In our work, we rely on our own strengths, knowledge and experience.
The SMARTketing team are real professionals in the fields of marketing, design, programming and journalism.


Not a single issue is solved with a swoop. Each campaign, event, which we undertake, is preceded by a large-scale and thoughtful analysis of the source data.


We only deal with what we ourselves understand thoroughly. SMARTketing employs people who have received a decent education, but have not stopped learning.


This word does not only apply to our designers. We are supporters of a creative approach to any task, no matter how ordinary it may seem at first glance.


Always keep your finger on the pulse - this is the rule of any ad campaign on the Internet. We always know what happened yesterday and what may happen tomorrow.


The Internet is a boundless space, and our geography also knows no borders. We create advertising campaigns in different languages ​​and target ads to any geo.


"Works like clockwork" - this is about our advertising agency. Few people know at what cost we managed to introduce absolute bureaucracy, but it works and saves us from mistakes. 😎

Why are we better?

Surely many people say so, but we will not stand out with excessive modesty... 😊


It will not be difficult for you to find someone who will do it cheaper. But then it will be more difficult for us: we will have to redo everything for him 🤪

No language barriers

Does your target audience speak Chinese, Arabic or Pashto? No problem, we run campaigns in different languages ​​and work with native copywriters in different countries 🤓

We're not afraid of difficulties

We develop complex advertising campaigns including not only digital promotion but also PR, events organizing, printing, souvenirs and much more 😎


Pages Of Written Texts


Completed Сampaigns


Сountries Targetted


Years In The Digital Ads

Quality mark


There are hundreds of online promotion tools, but not all are equally effective. Below are the main platforms that we use for the benefit of our clients.

Contact Us

12/1, Dinmukhamed Qounaev St,
Astana Z05H9B0, Kazakhstan

+7 499 1131531

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