Embrace Feedback and Adopt A Growth Mindset

A key component of communication is feedback. Receiving and giving effective feedback is often overlooked, and quite often, one may shy away from it because feedback can be mistaken for...

Intro to Power Automate

It’s time folks! It’s time to automate your life, well, maybe not your life but we can automate some repetitive workflows and tasks. Power Automate is an awesome automation tool...

Shuri Taught Me the Technical Field Needs Black Women

Photo By Clarke Sanders on Unsplash The film Black Panther has proved to be a huge level up in terms of representation. In a time where representation or the lack...

Save New Emails To A Google Sheet Using Zapier

Introduction Automation of day to day task can save you lots of precious time. Using Zapier’s free plan, we will create a Zap that sends new emails from a Gmail...

My First Day In Portand for Write The Docs

I started my day in the early hours of the morning, making my way to the Oakland Airport. The purpose of this trip was to attend Writethedocs. This particular conference...

Example Content

Welcome to Jekyll!

You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways,...