Stop tagging me to fight your arguments for you.

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

gotta say, as a chinese american person, seeing people claim jews aren't oppressed because they're wealthier/more educated than other demographics is fucking wild

y'all, being a model minority does not actually mean that those people are "basically white" or that they don't face discrimination. it's not true for (east) asian people and it's not true for jewish people


it's also literally nazi rhetoric

Discourse Disc horse


How the government can write up a 590 page report showing how the government failed once again to protect kids and people's responses are to ban guns that kill less than 400 people a year and put more trust in the government


The anti gun left: “You can’t fight the government with an AR15! So just them!”

Also the anti gun left: “Scawy weapons of war! 376 law enforcement officers couldn’t even confront one single gunman!”

AR15 is Schrödinger’s Gun. Simultaneously “too useless to fight governments so it should be banned” and the “most dangerous weapon of all time ever forever so it should be banned”.


I keep getting to use this meme:

Gun Control Discourse Disc Horse


It's so handy when morons tell you they're morons straight off.


Tell me you don’t know anything about the conflict without telling me you don’t know anything about the conflict.



Oh, so it's not even "zionists" anymore, it's just Jews?


This man is one of the (now outnumbered) retards who were shrieking about teh Jooz being behind everything even before the war started. He also doesn't think the Holocaust happened.


Ah yes, cuz funneling people into concentration camps where they're shoved into ovens and gassed in chambers while being starved and worked to death, all while hunting down and killing any and all of them you are unable to capture outright or who resist is TOTALLY the same thing as retaliating to a terrorist organization invading your country, killing well over a thousand and kidnapping over 200 including literal babies... by striking back, launching missiles at the places they're launching missiles from while they hide in hospitals, churches, tunnels under each, and hide missiles under children's beds.

The fact these people think this current conflict is even CLOSE to the events of World War 2 demonstrates just how little these people know about both conflicts.


Or how much they're willfully ignoring.

Discourse Disc horse Gaza Shitshow