
Kirby Stan Blog


header made by @cantfoolajoker

100% based on the tags @strawdool left on my dumb YouTube au post cause it made me loose my mind.

I spent waaaaayyyy too much time on this for how much of a shitpost it is. Can you tell I’ve photoshopped a fake YouTube drama thumbnail before.

I’m kinda eh on the modern lamb clothing design but I like Narinder’s. There’s some really good and fashionable modern Narinder designs out there but I refuse to believe he doesn’t dress like a man who will ruin your life. Not cool alt or punk, I know he’s got the male manipulator™️ look.


This is my first coding assignment for my software engineering class that started today. It’s going to be a really good semester.

UPDATE: I got my grade back and



Since this post has gotten some attention, I feel like it’s worth mentioning that this was just the first half of the assignment.

The second half, which we weren’t made aware of until the day we were meant to turn this one in, was to trade USB drives with the person sitting next to us and MODIFY their “unreadable” code without getting any help from them.

This was to teach us two things:

1) In this field, you’ll spend more time working with code written by other people than you will writing original code from a blank slate. The people who wrote the original code will probably not be around to help you. Learning to read code is IMPORTANT, even if it seems unreadable.

2) There is a strong brotherhood/sisterhood among programmers and software engineers. Respect that bond when you’re writing code and documentation. In my professor’s words: “When you write code, pretend that the person who will have to maintain it after you’re gone is a homicidal maniac who knows where you live.”

This class and professor are incredible.


With Keanu Reeves confirmed to be the voice of Shadow the Hedgehog in the upcoming third Sonic movie, now both Cyberpunk 2077 and Sonic the Hedgehog feature Keanu Reeves and Idris Elba.


If anyone knows the font used in the dialog for shadow the hedgehog 2005 please let me know


Imagine if eldritch giants attacked your village, massacred the entire population, your family, your friends, cooked and ate their corpses in front of you and then one of them found you cowering in its oversized belongings and went "Aww cute little creature, I'll keep you."

That's what happened to this critter.


the last thing for today

i didnt ever see the etho with ludwig i am not your friend video which gem was talking about so


I feel like nobody is talking about Third Life Scar anymore. The guy had more charisma than he knew what to do with and he literally controlled the server with it. He got dozens of diamonds worth of free items by creating an arbitrary system of points. He distracted people on numerous occasions while they were aware that a trap was being laid. He convinced Grian to basically break his own series' rules to help him constantly!

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