A Revolutionary Heavy Blanket That works by Deep Touch Pressure to help you relax and go into Zen Sleep

It has shown great results for OCD, ADHD, Insomnia, Anxiety and Stress

Stress is Harmful

40 Million People in Us suffers from form of anxiety

Anxiety can lead to Depression and other major problems

Bad Sleep can lead to bad mood throughout the day

Release Stress by Deep Touch Pressure

How Does That Work

"Deep Touch Pressure"

It is a form of tactile sensory input which is often provided by firm holding, cuddling and hugging

"Calming Agent"

Deep Touch Pressure acts as a calming or focusing agent to increase activity in the parasympathetic division of the Autonomic Nervous System(ANS)

"Happy Hormones"

Deep Touch Pressure also causes the release of both serotonin and dopamine in the brain and increase endorphin levels(happy hormones). This Produce a feeling of calm within our nervous system.

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