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  • The Community For Vegan Bodybuilders & Athletes!

    First started in 2003 by author and pioneering bodybuilding champion Robert Cheeke, VeganBodybuilding.com is where you can learn & share about being "healthy for life" as a plant-based athlete — whether you're just starting your journey, or you're a seasoned pro.  Welcome!


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  • Vegan Bodybuilder Robert Cheeke Gained 100 lbs on Plants

    A 2021 chat between Mic the Vegan and Robert Cheeke, celebrating Robert's 25th anniversary as a vegan athlete.

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    • Music and workouts go hand in hand, enhancing physical performance and making exercise sessions more enjoyable. A well-curated playlist can serve as the perfect backdrop for a range of activities, from high-intensity interval training to serene yoga stretches. Think of it like selecting Kawasaki accessories for your bike: the right choices boost both functionality and enjoyment. Pumping bass lines and energetic beats in songs drive up adrenaline, helping you push through the toughest parts of your workout. Meanwhile, slower, rhythmic tunes can guide the cool-down periods, aiding in recovery. Just as Kawasaki accessories customize your ride, your workout playlist can be finely tuned to match your fitness journey, keeping you motivated and moving.

    • Just a question if my mental health might disqualify me from a CCW. I've been on the same psychiatric medication for 20 years, never been adjudicated as mentally "defective", have two college degrees, a successful career, no drugs, no alcohol, no criminal record, excellent credit, married, no kids, and no speeding tickets for the last five years. I purchased the pistol I want to get a CCW license for with no issues. When I filled out the questionnaire I marked down "Yes" for the mental health question, and explained that I had received counseling for the passing of a loved one several months ago. The text box on the application had a character limit, otherwise I guess I could have put more. Will they bring me in for an interview? What kind of additional information do I need to provide to NUMA Recovery Center? Anything helpful would be appreciated.

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