Be the change.

You’ve made it, congratulations.

You are on your way to becoming an actual activist.

What’s an Actual Activist?

The mission of an actual activist is to honor the Truth with integrity.  It’s no mistake that the phrase “Actual Activist” has the word “ACT” emphasized, this is to say “Are YOU an actual activist? Or are you an activist only when it’s convenient?” Are You empowered and inspired to honor the Truth with integrity?  If so, the time is now to fight falsehoods in this empire of lies by doing what we can, when we can, where we are, with what we have.

Truth Wins.

people on a rally
gray mountain

We must learn to discern and take truth as the authority rather than authority as the truth. Actual Activists is a platform and global movement for the truth behind and solutions to the most concerning topics of our time: Chemtrails/Geoengineering, 5G, Vaccines, GMO’s, Fluoride, and Human Health. Ultimately, we must learn to discern and take truth as the authority rather than authority as the truth.

Daily Truth

BPA Harm

Did you know the harmful chemical called BPA is in the ink of your grocery receipt paper. You may have heard the fuss about plastic…

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Endocrine Disruptors

Do you know about the harms of hormone disruption via endocrine disruptors? Learn about the harmful oxybenzone here.

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Oregano Essential Oils

Learn about health benefits of healing oregano essential oil. Oregano literally translates to “delight of the mountains” and has been used for centuries to address…

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Avoid e904!!

What exactly do you think e904 is? Have you seen it in the ingredients of chocolate pretzels or perhaps your jelly beans? (not vegan) E904…

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buildings and grass covered field during day


Did you know electromagnetic radiation can cause headaches, insomnia, irritability, and much much more! Not to mention the increased risk of cancer, interference with heart function and accelerated aging.​

Matt Landman

founder of actual activists

Through grassroots activism, film, interviews, and international summits, Matt has gained recognition as a leader in 5G and geoengineering/chemtrail awareness activism. Matt presents unprecedented and view-changing information directly from official documentation and accepted research. 

“When we work together, we have power to take problems head on and make a huge difference in our life and in the lives of others around us.”

David DeNotaris 

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